Query Metrics

4 Database Queries
3 Different statements
3.53 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 1.19 ms
UPDATE bolt_content SET STATUS = 'published', published_at = :now  WHERE STATUS = 'timed' AND published_at < :now
  ":now" => Carbon\Carbon {#2311
    __toString(): "2024-09-28 14:17:28"
2 0.90 ms
UPDATE bolt_content SET STATUS = 'held', depublished_at = :now WHERE STATUS = 'published' AND depublished_at < :now
  ":now" => Carbon\Carbon {#2311
    __toString(): "2024-09-28 14:17:28"
3 0.85 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.content_type AS content_type_1, b0_.status AS status_2, b0_.created_at AS created_at_3, b0_.modified_at AS modified_at_4, b0_.published_at AS published_at_5, b0_.depublished_at AS depublished_at_6, b0_.author_id AS author_id_7 FROM bolt_content b0_ INNER JOIN bolt_field b1_ ON = b1_.content_id AND b1_.type IN ('generic', 'select', 'text', 'number', 'email', 'data', 'image', 'date', 'file', 'collection', 'html', 'templateselect', 'embed', 'markdown', 'set', 'filelist', 'hidden', 'imagelist', 'slug', 'textarea', 'block', 'checkbox', 'article', 'redactor') INNER JOIN bolt_field b2_ ON ( = AND b2_.type IN ('slug') INNER JOIN bolt_field_translation b3_ ON = b3_.translatable_id WHERE CAST(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(b3_.value, '$[0]')) AS CHAR) = ? AND b0_.content_type = ? LIMIT 1
4 0.60 ms
SELECT AS id_0, b0_.content_type AS content_type_1, b0_.status AS status_2, b0_.created_at AS created_at_3, b0_.modified_at AS modified_at_4, b0_.published_at AS published_at_5, b0_.depublished_at AS depublished_at_6, b0_.author_id AS author_id_7 FROM bolt_content b0_ INNER JOIN bolt_field b1_ ON = b1_.content_id AND b1_.type IN ('generic', 'select', 'text', 'number', 'email', 'data', 'image', 'date', 'file', 'collection', 'html', 'templateselect', 'embed', 'markdown', 'set', 'filelist', 'hidden', 'imagelist', 'slug', 'textarea', 'block', 'checkbox', 'article', 'redactor') INNER JOIN bolt_field b2_ ON ( = AND b2_.type IN ('slug') INNER JOIN bolt_field_translation b3_ ON = b3_.translatable_id WHERE CAST(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(b3_.value, '$[0]')) AS CHAR) = ? AND b0_.content_type = ? LIMIT 1

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
Bolt\Entity\Content No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Taxonomy No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Media No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Relation No errors.
Bolt\Entity\User No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\SlugField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\FieldTranslation No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\SelectField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\TextField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\NumberField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\EmailField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\DataField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\ImageField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\DateField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\FileField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\CollectionField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\HtmlField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\TemplateselectField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\EmbedField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\MarkdownField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\SetField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\FilelistField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\HiddenField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\ImagelistField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\TextareaField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\BlockField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\Field\CheckboxField No errors.
Bolt\Article\Entity\ArticleField No errors.
Bolt\Redactor\Entity\RedactorField No errors.
Bolt\Entity\UserAuthToken No errors.